somniCare, Inc. CPAP/BiPAP equipment was started to help patients receive the sleep apnea treatment necessary for successful results and a better life. We can help you stop snoring and become compliant to PAP therapy! We define success as a patient who is compliant to therapy, has improvement in the symptoms that led them to sleep testing, and has worked through their CPAP mask and equipment issues. somniCare, Inc staff doesnt rest until you feel rested and stop snoring!
somniCare, Inc. is a highly experienced company specializing only in CPAP and BiPAP therapy. We are focused on developing an individualized program that is tailored to you, addresses your needs, and helps you stop snoring and start living a higher quality of life.
As always, it is the people providing the care and expertise that determine the success of CPAP/BiPAP therapy. Our dedicated staff of respiratory therapists and patient care coordinators will assist you in direct patient care involving extensive education, CPAP mask selection, insurance benefit verification, and extensive follow-up to ensure successful sleep apnea treatment. somniCare, Inc. service doesnt stop once you receive your equipment, we are your partner to help you stop snoring and feel rested after sleep.
Here is a recent testimonial from a happy patient...
My name is Daniel Smith and I recently retired from Central Jackson County fire district in Blue Springs, MO. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in 1995. Due to pride and stubbornness and poor fit of old CPAP masks in the past I would not tolerate the use of a CPAP. In 2009, I agreed to try it again. I went for a sleep study and received my new CPAP machine and mask and it changed my life. After almost 15 years of not having a good nights sleep, the CPAP machine has actually changed my life, health and general well being. I do not want to ramble. However, I can not tell you how much I appreciate what this machine has done for me. It truly has been a miracle. Also I want to thank everyone in your organization for the professional, helpful, and genuine way I was treated from start to finish. From the night of the sleep test to coming to somniCare facility and being fitted and receiving my CPAP, the entire staff was very friendly, helpful and courteous. It was indeed a life changing experience. Both me and my wife (who suffered nights of no sleep because of my erratic snoring and stop breathing episodes for many years) thank you. I never had a nights sleep like I have now. The new headsets now are comfortable and take little getting used to (just a night or two). I can not say enough to express my tnanks to somniCare and all the staff there.
- Daniel L. Smith (2/6/2010)
This site contains information on somniCare, somniCare CPAP and BiPAP equipment, CPAP mask, CPAP, CPAP machines, BiPAP, BiPAP machines, sleep masks, CPAP masks, BiPAP masks, Bilevel machines, AutoPAP machines, AutoPAP, AutoSV machine, sleep apnea treatment, obstructive sleep apnea treatment and sleep apnea.