Buy 1 get one free on select hearing aids. In addition get 0% interest for 12-months for those who qualify. Contact us today!
Investing in Your Future
Tough economic times mean making wise investments. Did you know that persons with untreated hearing loss earn less in their lifetimes than persons who treat their hearing loss? Did you know that hearing loss can cost you lots of money in ways you never even thought of? Did you know that untreated hearing loss is one of the top five contributors to depression in our elders? When you have a hearing loss you are the last one to know. When you get better hearing you are the last one to know how much it is helping you. Others around you see the impact of your hearing loss on you. If you think it is time to make a change in your life start with investing in better hearing. The rewards you receive will be priceless.
Our newest digital, open fit hearing aids have premiered with great reviews from our patients. Great sound quality, more natural feel and sound, very comfortable, hardly notice they are in, low wind noise, better listening in background noise, don't have to take them out to use the phone, hardly show, easy to clean and take care of, no plugged up feeling, can really tell a difference from my old aids. Isn't it time you took a listen and find out how your life can be made better with better hearing?
In the News
Upgrade your hearing to our best technology. Trade in your old hearing aids or upgrade your hearing aids and receive an additional $1800.00 off a pair of our best technology. This is a limited time offer just in time for the holidays. So contact one of our locations today.
Education Is Key
Concha Audiology patients are the most educated patients. We teach about your hearing loss and how to develop strategies that help you function as well as possible in your daily activities. We are continually learning about techniques and technology that can help our patients live better lives through better hearing. We invite you to find out why we are so successful with our hearing aid fittings.
Hearing Health Care
Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems in people over the age of 65, but it can occur in any age group. Concha Audiology has worked with citizens of southeast Iowa since 1998, dealing all clinical aspects of Audiology including newborn screening, balance disorder assessment, industrial audiology, middle ear disorders, hearing evaluations, and hearing aid fittings for all age groups, infants through adults.
Our patients are like our family. We do our best to reach the goal of better hearing with reasonable expectations. We do not take shortcuts, we listen, give good, honest, professional advice. You should not have to settle for less. Over the years we have worked hard to achieve our 99% satisfaction rating with our patients. We use the best available technology, the latest equipment and verification techniques to ensure proper fitting of your new hearing instruments.
State of the Art Technology
We utilize state of the art technology, including:
* Digital audiometers for hearing evaluations *Tympanometers for testing middle ear functions *Sound booths to ensure accurate evaluations *Real Ear Systems to accurately test and adjust your hearing aids *Powerful computers with the latest fitting software to ensure you have the latest fitting and hearing aid technology
Schedule an Appointment Today
Office Hours vary by location (listed in the right margin on the service page)
(delconch at
We pride ourselves on the services we provide. Evaluations are generally scheduled within 2 days. Minor hearing aid repairs are done in our office on the same day. Major repairs are sent to the factory and take less than 10 days.
Branches and additional offices:
(319) 545-71252431 Coral Ct Ste 1 Coralville, IA 52240