Team Rehab has combined a Physical Therapy Clinic with a Wellness Center, taking advantage of the benefits that the combination entails. Both Physical Therapy patients and wellness members are able to utilize a full line of state-of-art equipment and a therapeutic pool - and enjoy the professional expertise on staff at Team Rehab.
Team Rehab has focused their services on meeting the wellness needs of Northeast Iowa and Southeast Minnesota. The seamless transition between patients' rehabilitation and wellness programs/classes offers an unique and very effective combination. Wellness members are able to enjoy a full-line of fitness equipment, as well as land, aqua and specialty classes that target their wellness goals. Please feel free to stop by for a tour.
Child Care Services
Team Rehab offers child care services while you use the wellness center for $2.00 per child/hour for the first child and $1.00 per child/hour for each additional child or a $20 daycare card good for 1 month.
**Times are subject to change. Please call ahead if you would like to verify day and time.
Wellness Center Hours
Branches and additional offices:
(563) 382-4770516 Montgomery St Decorah, IA 52101-2720